Quality English and JAOS sign MoU

Published 20/02/2018

Quality English and the Japanese Association of Overseas Studies have signed a memorandum of understanding which bosses say will support, strengthen and promote co-operation and build collaboration between their members and licensees.

President of JAOS, Yasuo Sone, said that the QE brand has the potential to do well in the country.

“Working with such a trusted provider, we are confident in our shared future,” he said. “Through our co-operation together, I am very excited to see what we can achieve.”

Jonathan Swindell, chief executive of QE, sees the agreement as an efficient way for its schools to build up relationships in Japan.

“We believe this [formalised relationship] will help us to promote the high standards of all QE and Quality English Education schools to agents, students and parents across Japan.”

He added that he looked forward to introducing JAOS members to QE schools at a mission in March in Tokyo.

Speaking to The PIE News, Swindell stated that QE believes future plans in Japan including the Tokyo 2020 Olympics and changes to university exams could increase demand with young and senior learners.

Swindell added that QE schools offer Japanese students different opportunities to schools in Asia. According to the Japanese Association of Overseas Studies, Asia has become a more attractive study destination.

“It’s clear that destinations such as the Philippines pose a significant challenge but these countries are offering something very different to the nine English-speaking countries where QE schools are located.”

“This will help us promote the high standards of Quality English Education schools across Japan”

Swindell added that MoUs have been an important way for QE to build relationships with agents, access market data and raise its profile in countries. It has previously signed MoUs with BELTA in Brazil, IALCA in Italy, KAEA in Kazakhstan and UNOSEL in France, some of which QE is hoping to renew over the coming months.

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